Charles Raymond
and Space Sciences,
Professional Preparation:
����������������������� 1961���������������� A.B. in Physics and Mathematics,
1969���������������� Ph.D. in Geophysics,
������������������������������������ California
Institute of
����������������������� 1969-1973������� Assistant Professor of Geophysics,
����������������������� 1973-1979������� Associate
Professor of Geophysics,
����������������������� 1979-2002������� Professor
of Geophysics,
����������������������� 2002- �������������� Professor
Other professional contributions:
Graduate Program Advisor, Geophysics,
Committee on Glaciers: American Geophysical
Chairman, Committee on Glaciology of the NRC Polar Research Board
Polar Oceans Climate Studies Panel of the
Council of the International Glaciology Society
Vice President, International Glaciology Society
� Associate Editor, Journal of
Geophysical Research - Solid Earth
Fellow of the American Geophysical
� Seligman Crystal of the
International Glaciological Society
� Louis Agassiz
Medal of the European Geosciences
research interests:
Glaciology with emphasis on the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets.
Physical-chemical processes in temperate ice and wet snow.
Synergistic activities:
Education. Mentoring of undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students. Principal advisor for 21
graduate students and helped supervise and served on numerous other graduate
student committees. Developed graduate and undergraduate courses concerning the basic
physics of ice and water and their role in environmental processes, and a
course in the fundamentals of continuum mechanics for applications in solid
earth geophysics.
Editorial. Editing of proceedings from glaciological meetings. Peer reviews of
numerous manuscripts and proposals for government agencies.
Dissemination of research findings. Providing facts to media and public
officials related to global-warming. Gave counsel to former
Recent collaborators:
Robert Bindschadler,
Gino Casassa, Howard Conway, Keith Echelmeyer, Andrew Fountain, Hilmar Gudmundsson,
Bernard Hallet, Will Harrison, Richard Hindmarsh, Ian Joughin, Kenichi
Matsuoka, Masayoshi Nakawo, Eric Rignot,
Ted Scambos, Cornelis van der Veen, Ed Waddington, Steve
Warren, Dale Winebrenner and Barclay Kamb (thesis advisor).
Ten selected publications:
Raymond, C.F., 1973. Inversion of flow measurements for stress and
rheological parameters in a valley glacier. J. Glaciol.,
12(64), 19-44.
Raymond, C.F., 1976. Some thermal effects of bubbles in temperate
glacier ice
J. Glaciol., 16(74), 159-171.
Raymond, C.F., and K. Tusima,
1978. Grain-coarsening
of water-saturated snow. J. Glaciol., 22(86), 83-105.
Raymond, C.F., 1980. Temperate valley glaciers. In The Dynamics of Snow and Ice
Masses (ed. S.C. Colbeck). Academic
Press, pp 79 -193.
Raymond, C.F., 1983. Deformation in the vicinity of ice divides. J. Glaciol., 29(103), 357-373.
Raymond, C.F., 1987. How do glaciers surge? A review. J. Geophys.
Res., 92(B9),
Johannesson, T., C.F. Raymond and E.D. Waddington,
1989. Timescales
for adjustment of glaciers to changes in mass balance. J. Glaciol., 35(121), 355-369.
C.F., 1996. Shear margins in glaciers and ice sheets. J. Glaciol, 42(140),
C.F., 2000. Energy balance of ice streams. J. Glaciol, 46(155),
Raymond, C.F., G.
Catania and N.A. Nereson and C. J. Van der Veen, 2006.
Bed radar reflectivity across the north margin of Whillans
Ice Stream and implications for margin processes. J. Glaciol. 52(176),
List of peer-reviewed publications (ordered
by date):
Raymond, C.F., 1971. Determination of the three-dimensional
velocity field in a glacier.
J. Glaciol., 10(58), 39-54.
Raymond, C.F., 1971. Flow in a transverse section of the
Raymond, C.F., 1971. A new borehole inclinometer.
J. Glaciol., 10(58), 127-132.
Raymond, C.F., 1973. Inversion of flow measurements for stress and
rheological parameters in a valley glacier. J. Glaciol.,
12(64), 19-44.
Raymond, C.F., 1974. The local distribution of stress in a
rectilinear flow field near a point of zero shear stress. J. Glaciol.,
13(67), 141-143.
Raymond, C.F., and W.D. Harrison, 1975. Some observations on the
behavior of the liquid and gas phases in temperate glacier ice. J. Glaciol.,
14(71), 213-233.
Raymond, C.F., 1976. Some thermal effects of bubbles in temperate
glacier ice
J. Glaciol., 16(74), 159-171.
Raymond, C.F., and W.D. Harrison, 1976. Impurities and their
distribution in a temperate glacier J. Glaciol., 16(74), 173-181.
Bindschadler, R., W.D.
Harrison, C.F. Raymond and C. Gantet. 1976. Thermal regime of a
surge-type glacier. J. Glaciol., 16(74), 251-259.
Raymond, C.F., 1977. Motion of glaciers. In
and avalanches (ed. B.Voight). Elsevier Scientific
Publishing, pp 793-833.
Bindschadler, R., W.D.
Harrison, C.F. Raymond and R. Crosson, 1977. Geometry
and dynamics of a surge-type glacier. J. Glaciol., 18(79), 181-194.�
Raymond, C.F., and K. Tusima,
1978. Grain
coarsening of water-saturated snow. J. Glaciol., 22(86), 83-105.
Bindschadler, R., W.D.
Harrison and C.F. Raymond. 1978. Sliding velocity of a surge-type glacier
during its quiescent phase of motion. Mater.
Obsuzhdeniya, 32, 225-229.
Bindschadler, R., W.D.
Harrison and C.F. Raymond. 1978. Summary of research on a surge-type glacier
Langdon, J. and C.F. Raymond, 1978. Numerical
calculation of adjustment of a glacier surface to pertubations
of ice thickness. Mater. Glyatsiol.
Obsuzhdeniya, 32, 233-239.
Raymond, C.F., R.L. Hooke,
R.L. Hotchkiss and R.J. Gustafson, 1979. Calculations of velocity and
temperature in a polar glacier using the finite element method. J. Glaciol., 24(90), 131-146.
Raymond, C.F., 1980. Temperate valley glaciers. In The Dynamics of Snow and Ice
Masses (ed. S.C. Colbeck). Academic
Press, pp 79 -193.
Raymond, C.F., 1983. Deformation in the vicinity of ice divides. J. Glaciol., 29(103), 357-373.
Jacobel, R. and
C.F. Raymond, 1984. Radio echo-sounding studies of englacial water movement in Variegated
Balise, M.J. and
C.F. Raymond, 1985. Transfer
of basal sliding variations to the surface of a linearly viscous glacier. J. Glaciol., 31(109), 308-318.
Kamb, B., C.F. Raymond, W.D. Harrison, H. Engelhardt, K.A. Echelmeyer, N. Humphrey, M.M. Brugman
and T. Pfeffer, 1985. Glacier surge mechanism: 1982-1983 surge of
Variegated Glacier,
Raymond, C.F. and S.D. Malone, 1986. Propagating strain anomalies
during mini-surges of Variegated Glacier,
Humphrey, N.C, C.F. Raymond and W.D. Harrison, 1986. Discharges of turbid water
during mini-surges of Variegated Glacier,
Raymond, C.F., 1987. How do glaciers surge? A review. J. Geophys.
Res., 92(B9),
Raymond, C.F., T. Johannesson,
W.T. Pfeffer and M. Sharp, 1987. Propagation of a glacier
surge into stagnant ice. J. Geophys. Res., 92(B9), 9037-9049.
Raymond, C.F. and W.D. Harrison, 1987. Fit of ice motion models to
observations from Variegated Glacier,
Raymond, C.F. and W.D. Harrison, 1987. Evolution
of Variegated
Harbor, J.B., B. Hallet
and C.F. Raymond, 1988. Land form development by glacial erosion. Nature, 333(6171),
Johannesson, T., C.F.
Raymond and E.D. Waddington, 1989. A simple method for determining
the response time of glaciers. In
Glacier fluctuations and climate
change (ed. J. Oerlemans), Kluwer Academic,
pp. 343-352.
Johannesson, T., C.F.
Raymond and E.D. Waddington, 1989. Timescales for adjustment of glaciers to
changes in mass balance.
J. Glaciol.,
35(121), 355-369.
Schott, C., E.D. Waddington and C.F. Raymond, 1992. Predicted time-scales for
GISP2 and GRIP boreholes at
Raymond, C.F., 1993. Glaciers and Ice Sheets. In Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (ed. G.L. Trigg), VCH Publishers, pp.
Schwitter, M.P. and
C.F. Raymond, 1993. Changes in the longitudinal profiles of glaciers during advance and
retreat. J. Glaciol., 39(133), 582-590.
Conway, H. and C.F. Raymond, 1993. Snow
stability during rain. J. Glaciol., 39(133), 635-642.
Humphrey, N.F. and C.F. Raymond, 1994. Hydrology erosion and
sediment production in a surging glacier, Variegated Glacier,
Raymond, C.F., J.C. Rogers, P.L. Taylor and B. Koci, 1994. Vertical strain measurement in core holes. Memoirs of National
Institute of Polar Research, (Special Issue), 49, 234-240.
Thompson, L.G., D.A. Peel, E. Mosley-Thompson, R. Mulvaney,
J. Dai, P.N. Lin, M.E. Davis and C.F. Raymond, 1994. Climate since AD 1510 on
Dyer Plateau,
Raymond, C.F., R.J. Benedict, W.D. Harrison, K.A. Echelmeyer and M. Sturm, 1995. Hydrological discharges and
motion of Fels and Black Rapids Glaciers,
Cutler, N.A., C.F. Raymond, E.D. Waddington, D.A. Meese and R.B. Alley, 1995. The effect of ice sheet
thickness change on the accumulation history inferred from GISP2 layer
thicknesses. Annals Glaciol., 21, 26-32.
Raymond, C.F. 1996. Shear margins in glaciers and ice sheets. J. Glaciol., 42(140), 90-102.
Conway, H., A.M.
Gades and C.F. Raymond, 1996. Albedo of dirty
snow during conditions of melt. Water
Res. Res., 32(6), 1713-1718.
Jacobel, R.W., T.A. Scambos, C.F. Raymond and A.M. Gades, 1996. Changes in the
configuration of ice stream flow from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. J.
Geophys. Res., 101(B3), 5499-5504.
Nereson, N.A.,
E.D. Waddington, C.F. Raymond and H.P. Jacobson, 1996. Predicted age-depth scales
for Siple Dome and Inland WAIS ice cores in
Raymond, C.F., B. Weertman,
L. Thompson, E.-M. Thompson, D. Peel and R. Mulvaney,
1996. Geometry, motion and mass balance of Dyer Plateau,
Nereson, N.A., R.
Hindmarsh and C.F. Raymond, 1997. Sensitivity
of divide position at Siple Dome,
Boudreaux, A. and C.F. Raymond, 1997. Geometry
response of glaciers to changes in spatial pattern of mass balance. Annals Glaciol., 25, 407-411.
Gudmundsson, G.H.,
C.F. Raymond and R.A. Bindschadler, 1998. The origin and longevity of
flow stripes on Antarctic ice streams. Annals Glaciol., 25, 407-411.
Nereson, N.A.,
C.F. Raymond, E.D. Waddington and R.W. Jacobel, 1998. Migration
of the Siple Dome Ice Divide,
Jacobson, H.P. and C.F. Raymond, 1998. Thermal effects on the
location of ice stream margins. J. Geophys. Res., 103(B6), 12,111-12-122.
Cuffey, K.M. and H. Conway, B. Hallet, A.M.
Gades and C.F. Raymond, 1999. Interfacial
water in polar glaciers and glacier sliding at �17oC. Geophys. Res. Letters, 26(6), 751-754.
C.F. 2000. Energy balance of ice streams. J. Glaciol.,
46(155), 665-674.
Gades, A.M., C.F.
Raymond, H. Conway and R.W. Jacobel, 2000.�
Bed properties of Siple Dome and the adjacent
ice streams,
Nereson, N.A., C.F. Raymond,
R.W. Jacobel and E.D. Waddington, 2000. The accumulation pattern across Siple Dome,
Jacobel, R.W., T.A. Scambos, N.A. Nereson and C.F.
Raymond, 2000. Changes in the margin of Ice Stream C,
C.F., and M. Nolan, 2000. Drainage
of a glacial lake through an ice spillway.
IAHS Pub. 264, 199-207.
N., M. Nakawo. T. Kadota
and C.F. Raymond, 2000. Numerical simulation of recent shrinkage of
Naito, N., Y. Ageta, M. Nakawo, E.D. Waddington,
C.F. Raymond
and H. Conway,
2001. Response sensitivities of
a summer-accumulation type glacier to climate changes indicated with a glacier
fluctuation model. Bull. Glaciol. Res., 18,
Raymond, C.F., K.A. Echelmeyer,
I.M. Whillans, and C.S.M. Doake,
2001. Ice Stream shear margins, in The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Behavior and
Environment, Antarctic Research Series 77, AGU,
Thorsteinsson, T. and
C.F. Raymond, 2001. Sliding versus till deformation in the fast motion
of an ice stream over a viscous till. J. Glaciol.,
46(155), 633-640.
Nereson, N.A. and C.F. Raymond,
2001. The
elevation history of ice streams and the spatial�������� accumulation pattern along Siple Coast of West
Eisen, O., W.D. Harrison and
C.F. Raymond, 2001. The surges of Variegated
Raymond, C.F., 2002. Ice sheets on the move. Science, 298(5601), 2147-2148.
Conway, H., G. Catania, C. F. Raymond, A. M. Gades,
T. A. Scambos and H. Engelhardt, 2002. Switch of flow direction in
an Antarctic ice stream. Nature, 419, 465-467.
Thorsteinsson, T., C.F.
Raymond, G.H. Gudmundsson, R.B. Bindschadler,
P. Vornberger and
Winebrenner, D.P., B.
Smith, G. Catania, H. Conway and C.F. Raymond, 2003. Radio-frequency
attenuation beneath Siple Dome,
Conway, H., C.F. Raymond, M. Funk and S. Margreth, 2003. Snow avalanches, ice avalanches
and glacier surges.� Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, (
Smith, B.E., C.R. Bentley, and C.F. Raymond, 2005. Recent elevation changes on the ice
streams and ridges of the Ross Embayment from ICESaT
cross-overs. Geophys.
Res. Letts. 32 L21S09, doi:10.1029/2005GL024365.
Raymond, C.F., T.A. Neumann, E. Rignot, K.A. Echelmeyer, A.
Rivera and G. Cassasa, 2005. Retreat
of Tyndall Glacier,
Raymond, C.F., G.
Catania and N.A. Nereson and C. J. Van der Veen, 2006. Bed radar
reflectivity across the north margin of Whillans Ice
Stream and implications for margin processes. J. Glaciol. 52(176),
Smith, B.E., C.F. Raymond and T.A. Scambos,
2006. Anisotropic texture of ice sheet surfaces.
J. Geophys. Res. 111 F01019, doi:10.1029/2005JF000393.
Matsuoka, K., A. Gades,
H. Conway, G. Catania, and C. Raymond, In press. Radar signatures beneath a surface topographic
lineation near the outlet of Kamb ice stream and Engelhardt ice ridge,
Matsuoka, K., L. Wilen, S. P. Hurley, and C.F. Raymond, In press. Effects of birefringence within ice
sheets on bistatic radar measurements. IEEE Trans. Geosci.
Remote Sens.