Coral 2.1 10/14/96

Coral 2.1 10/14/96

written by Ken Creager

GENERAL commands

EVAL command
Evaluate a matlab command. Examples are:
eval !more my_script.m
eval my_script
eval setstr(Station(2:5,:))'
eval size(Data)

HELP [command_name]
Help with no argument gives a list of all coral commands.
Help all prints the whole help file using more.
Help name gives help for a particular command.

M filename
Execute the commands in the macro in file filename.m For an example of the
format for a macro look at the file 'dt.m' that is output from CORAL after
stopping CORAL.

Exit CORAL. You can reenter CORAL where you left off. Files coral.cmd and
dt.m are written to disk keeping track of the commands entered (see command M).

I/O commands

ORIG lat lon depth YYYY MM DD HH MM SS.SS mag
This lets one change the earthquake origin location and time in data1.
The data in data1, data2, and data3 are lost.

QUAK filename
Read an earthquake catalog. The READ command chooses an event from this
catalog if event information is not present in the AH file. Catalog is an
ascii file containing month, day, year, hour, minute, second, latitude,
longitude, depth, and magnitude on each line, separated by spaces. Filename
must not end in '.mat'.

READ filename
Read waveforms from filename into D0; Clear D1, D2, D3. Data are read from an
AH file or from a .mat file that was written using WRIT. The data must all be
from the same earthquake. If an event location is in the headers, it is used,
otherwise an event is chosen from the catalog read in using command QUAK. QUAK
must be called prior to READ. If more than one earthquake is plausibly
associated with the time span of all the data, the user is prompted to choose
among the candidate events. The event location can be changed after READ using

SAVE name
Saves the data in DATA0 and data1 (header1, obs1, etc.) to a matlab file
named "name.mat". This can later be read in using the standard MATLAB
command "load name".

WRITe filename
Write waveforms and headers from D1 into an ah file.


ALIGn max/min/xcor [time-window-start time-window-end]
This aligns the traces in data1 in the time window set.
max/min/xcor = 1 --> align the data on the maximum [default]
max/min/xcor = 2 --> align the data on the minimum
max/min/xcor = 3 --> xcor the data in the window to a beam
The entire trace is used when a time window is not set.
The time window is defined as the time displayed on the plotted traces (s).
Cross correlation is caluclated with respect to a stack of all waveforms
(without normalizing amplitudes).

CAT from to
Concatenate data and headers from one buffer onto another (eg. cat 1 2 replaces
D2 with D1 appended to D2) arguments are numbers (1,2, or 3)

CUT from [channel_name]
Cut from D0 or D1 depending on whether first input parameter is 0 or 1.
Calculate predicted travel times and time window for each phase / station pair.
Determine which seismogram traces from D0 or D1 intersect these phase windows.
Cut out desired time series and place in buffer D1. Windows are defined by
PHASe and WIDTh. Add phase names to label1, and travel time, ray parameter and
dp/dD to header1. If a second parameters is entered, keep only channel names
whose first three characters match those of channel_name. (D0->D1 or D1->D1)

COPY from to
Copy data and headers from one buffer to another (eg. copy 0 2 copies D0->D2)
Arguments are numbers (0,1,2, or 3). Second cannot be 0.

KEEP list_of_station_names
Keep seismograms works exactly the same as command RM except specified
seismograms are kept rather than discarded.

PHASe phase names separated by spaces
enter desired phase names (default = P). These are used by CUT. Phase names
must be specific, ie use PKPab, not PKP. (See also TT). An alternative is to
enter phase velocity, time shift, and a set of one or more circuit numbers.
eg. 4 0 1 3 5 gives paths R1, R3, R5 at a phase velocity of 4 km/s. Entering
just 4 would default to offset=0, and R1.

RM list_of_station_names
RM [0,1] [delta,azim,backazim] min max
RM [0,1] [index] vector
In top case remove stations from D0; Clear D1, D2, D3. Station names must be
capital letters. If argument is 'noinstr' then remove all stations which
contain no instrument response information. In bottom cases remove data from
D0 or D1 as defined by epicentral distance, azimuth or back azimuth (deg), or
given by a vector of indicies. In the latter case, the vector must be given
in brackets with no blank spaces eg: [1:4,8,6] or 3 but not [3 4].

SORT [0,1] key_word
Sort data in D0 or D1 by delta, azimuth, back_azimuth
If sorting D0, then (D0->D0; clear D1, D2, D3) otherwise D1-> D1

WIDTh t1 t2
t1 and t2 are window times (s) before and after predicted phase arrival , used
by CUT.

XCORrelate ref_phase
Cross correlate data in D1, calculate differential travel times, and rewindow
data in D1. If no arguments are given, cross correlate all pairs of traces and
invert for time offsets that best fit the lag times of each cross correlogram
peak. If one argument is given cross correlate trace number 'ref_phase' against
the other traces to get the lag time corresponding to the peaks of the cross
correlograms. (D1->D1)

FILTERING commands

DECOnvolve instrument_response [[water_level] a b c d e ...]
There are currently 2 deco routines the first is called deco the second Deco.
Deconvolve all seismograms in D1 and reconvolve with a standard response.
If there are 1 or 2 arguments the first is one of the letters (s, l, i or r)
to use the standard DWWSSN short-, long-, or intermediate-period response,
or reftek response. Or if the first argument is a number (n), reconvolve with
the response of the nth seismogram in D1. If there are more than 2 arguments,
the first is interpreted as a key that defines the new response. Its only
possible value is 3, which means reconvolve with a zero phase filter shaped
by a cos taper from f1 to f2 and from f3 to f4. The 7 required arguments
are [3, water_level, gain, f1, f2, f3, f4]. Regardless of the format the third
argument (if it exists) is always water_level, a parameter used to stabilize
the deconvolution (default is 1e-8). Prior to deconvolution data are resampled
to a common sample rate. (D1->D1)

This version of deconvolve uses the key words from, to, wl, gain, gaus, and cos.
from {i,n}
i means deconvolve the instrument response given in Calib
n means do not deconvolve any response
to {d,v,a,n,s,l,i,r,num}
d,v,a convert counts to displacement (m), velocity (m/s) or acceleration (m/s/s)
n recolvolve flat response
s,l,i,r reconvolve DDWWSSN short-, long- or intermediate period response or
reftek response
num reconvolve response chosen from numth data in data1 (num is an integer)
wl water level used to stabalize deconvolution
gain gain set in addition to those specified in response
cos f1,f2,f3,f4 reconvolve wiht a zero phase filter shaped by a cos taper from
f1 to f2 and f3 to f4(Hz)
gaus f2, f0 reconvolve with a zero phase gaussian filter exp(-([f-f0]^2/f2^2))
defaults are Deco from i to d wl 1e-6 gain 1
possible combinations of commands

from {i|n} to {s|l|r|i|num}
from i to {a|v|d} {cos | gaus}
from n to n {cos | gaus}

gain and wl are options for each case above. Examples:
Deco from i to v gaus .1 0 wl .0001
Deco cos .001 .003 .1 .3 wl .0001
Deco from n to n gaus 1 0

Remove mean of data in current buffer. (D1->D1)

Take time derivative of data in current buffer in the time domain. (D1->D1)

Replace the time series in D1 with its envelope function.
The envelope function is defined here as (f^2 + H(f)^2)^.5 where
f(t) is the time series and H(f) is the Hilbert transform of f.

FILTer cutoffPeriod [order, passOpt, filtOpt]
Apply a Butterworth filter to data in D1 specified by a cutoffPeriod (s)
and 3 optional arguments which must be given in the order specified above.
passOpt is 0: lowpass or bandpass, 1: highpass, or 2: bandstop
filtOpt is 0: zero-phase filter , 1: minimum-phase filter
defaults are order=8, passOpt=0, filtOpt=0
filter data (D1->D1)

HILBert [rec_no phase_shift]
Apply a frequency independent phase advance of phase_shift degrees to data in
D1. If no arguments given, apply phase shifts when necessary to remove the
effects of propagation through the earth for selected phases. If rec_no=0
apply phase shift to all seismograms. If rec_no>0 apply phase shift to that
record only. Default phase_shift is -90 deg, which corrects the phase for PP,
SS, PKPab, etc. (D1->D1).

Integrate the data in current buffer in the time domain. (D1->D1)

Apply a cosine taper to data.(eg. taper 0.05 tapers 5% from both sides) (D1->D1)

Trend removes a linear trend from the data.

PLOT, PRINT commands

FS fs_type, [fs_ray_type, fs_scal, fs_cut , fs_angle]
Plot times or polarities on a focal sphere
fs_type =1 for plotting travel time residuals, =2 for polarity plot, =3 for both
fs_ray_type =1 for P-waves, =2 for SV waves, 3 for SH waves
fs_up_down =1 for down-going waves, 2 for upgoing waves
fs_scal = ratio of focal sphere size to size of symbol for a 1 s anomaly
fs_cut = saturation level for time residuals (s) (default=5)
fs_angle = take-off angle at edge of focal sphere (default=90 deg)

Add a grid to plot.

ORIENT page_orientation
All subsequent plots on the laserwriter will be done using the orientation
given here, which must be one of: tall, landscape, or portrait.

PLOT buffer_num
Plot data in buffers 0, 1, 2, or 3. For buffer 1 only you are put in 'pick'
mode and can modify the data to fix glitches, flip polarity, or rewindow or
discard traces (put cursor in plot window and type h for help) (D1->D1)

PRINt [graphics_window]
With no arguments print seismogram window to default laserwriter. The only
acceptable argument is 'fs' which is used to print the 'Focal Sphere' graphics
window. See also ORIENT.

SCALe plot_scale
Plot_scale equals ratio of the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude to the total plot
height. (>0 for true scale, <0 to normalize all traces) (default -.1)

TITLe plot _title
Enter title for PLOT and FS (use 'titl a' for a default title)

TT phase names separated by spaces
Calculate travel-time curves for phases names given. Each time TT is called,
phases are added to the list. An argument of 'none' clears the array. An
argument of 'label on' or 'label off' sets a flag so that subsequent calls to
PLOT will or will not display phase name labels. Labels are never displayed
for depth phases. Times are used only to display travel-time curves using PLOT.
See also PHAS.

XWINdow w1 w2 [w3]
If two arguments are entered, they are interpreted as the fractional positions
within the graph of the start and stop times of the traces. If three arguments
are given, w1 is the fractional position of the start of the traces to the
total display, w2 is the scale (s/cm) after printing. The third argument is
not used. For long-period data, w2=20 s/cm is a useful scale.
(default is .3 1)

YAXI option
Plot record section as a function of distance 'd', or evenly spaced 'e'.
Use lower case (e,d) for seismogram ordered with closer ones at bottom
and upper case for closer seismograms at the top of the page.

FILL option
Plot seismograms as lines (option='n') or fill seismograms where
option has 2 adjacent characters indicating the colors of the fill
eg. fill wy

SPECIAL commands

CORRect [file_name]
Currently reads in the CMT catalog and finds event closest to current event.
The nodal lines of the CMT solution are displayed using FS. If no arguments
are given then read the MATLAB formatted CMT file containing the complete
'final' Harvard CMT catalog. If filename is given read a MATLAB formatted
version of the catalog if the file ends in .mat. Otherwise read an ascii
file containing the CMT in the Harvard 4-line format. In the future,
the CMT will be used to correct the polarity and possibly the amplitude of the

This creates a beam of the data - a linear straight stack.

MAPP complexity { This option has temporarily been turned off }
This command creates a map showing the source and receivers. mapp 1 includes
complexity = 1 --> [default] includes color surface topography
complexity = 2 --> shows simply ocean boundaries and plates

STACK root start end interval env scale dec rel
This command creates a vespegram (slowness vs. time) from the
trace data. The defaults options are:
root = 3 This is the Nth root robust stacking method (1=linear stack)
start = -.5
end = .5 These determine the slownesses at which to stack the data.
int = .1
env = 0 Envelope = 1 produces envelopes of the stacked data.
scale = 1 The largest arrival is normalized to this height.
dec = 1 Decimate the time in the stack by this amount.
rel = 1 If the slownesses should be considered relative to P slownesses.

VESP env ceiling relative
This creates a color vespegram to data that has already been stacked (using
the STAC function). env = 1 first applies an envelope function to the data,
ceiling "chops off" all the data above this height, and relative = 1
plots arrival times and slownesses relative to the P wave.

D0 consists of Station, Loc, Calib, Comment, Record, Extras, Data, which are
read in from an AH file using READ. These can be changed only by using SORT
(to reorder columns) and RM to remove stations. READ, SORT, and RM each clear
D1, D2 and D3. READ also creates Label, Header, and Obs. Label can be changed
at any time without effecting anything else. It is used to label each trace
using PLOT. The READ command removes D0, D1, D2, and D3 before reading in
new data. To simultaneously analyze data from two AH files cat them together
before reading them.

D1 consists of data1, header1,label1 and obs1.

column 1: time (s) of first sample relative to event origin time
column 2: duration of time series (s)
column 3: time (s) of first non-zero sample relative to time of first sample
column 4: time (s) of last non-zero sample relative to time of first sample
column 5: index from columns of D1 to columns of D0
column 6: sample interval (s)
column 7: magnification/polarity flip of D1 relative to D0 (D1 = column 7 x D0)
column 8: phase shift (deg) 0 for no shift, 90 for Hilbert transform
column 9: Predicted travel time (s)
column 10: Ray parameter (s/deg)
column 11: dp/dD (s/rad^2)
column 12: dT/dh (km/s)

column 1: observed differential travel time (s)
column 2: differential travel-time residual (s)
column 3: display time offset
column 4: quality of time pick
column 5: uncertainty of time pick
column 6: observed amplitude
column 7: quality of amplitude observation
column 8: observed tstar

D2, and D3 have the exact same format as D1. Nearly all options operate on D1.
Use COPY to copy any intermediate results to D2 or D3 and then back to D1.

Travel time curves (see command tt) are stored in array 'Syn' and are
calculated for each station in D0. The index (column 5 of header1) is used to
tie waveforms of D1 to the synthetic times in Syn, which is organized by D0.
Syn will be deleted whenever D0 changes.


1) automatically flip seismograms to correct for polarity {see coral_scripts/ray_syn}
2) write D1 to AH output file {done in ascii, could be converted to binary}
3) write parameters to a data base (decide what to save and how to save it)
4) sort on D1 as well as D0 {done}
5) cross correlate subwindows {done}
6) Apply differential tstar
7) Plotting options:
a) Add option for more than one seismogram per line
b) Plot up-and down-going focal hemispheres on same page
8) Make history of all operations applied to data
9) time shift one or a few stations while not moving the rest
10)realign with cross correlation while imposing a maximum allowed
time shift relative to current window
11)add flexibility in labeling

see for a description of the header and data storage in matlab for D0.

Notes for merging McSweeney's afids program with coral:
