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Utah Park Information

Seminar Presentations

The Geo-Club in UTAH!
zion group picture
The Geo-Club visited two National Parks in Utah over Spring Break:

Capitol Reef National Park has spectacular sandstone cliffs and canyons, and a 100 mile long monocline: The Waterpocket Fold.  Zion National Park has soaring towers, sandstone monoliths and intricately carved slot canyons.

Led by Prof. Bruce Nelson and Prof. Joanne Bouregois (with the culinary expertise of Dr. Robert Winglee), we went to some of the most spectacular eolian and fluvial sedimentary formations of the desert southwest.  We stood on the Permo-Triassic boundary, found fossils and fenestral fabric in the rocks of Bryce Canyon, and climbed though hundreds of meters of eolian cross-bedding in Zion Canyon.  We also spent a day scrambling over cenozoic basalt flows!

To see more pics from our trip, follow these links:

If you have any questions, please contact Geo-Club Secretary Janet Bautista:

Field Trips: