Instructions for viewing ShakeMaps-Evergreen2012 in ArcGIS Online

This information will assist the novice user of ArcGIS Online.

1.  The title at the top identifies this map as ShakeMaps-Evergreen2012 .

2. The menu bar should open with Details selected.  Below it are these 3 icons:

 icon 1 About this map:  General information.

 icon 2 Show contents of map: This is should be selected to see the ShakeMaps.

icon 3Show map legend: Only shows county boundaries.

3.  Select the contents icon (middle one) to show the available ShakeMaps.

contents icons

4.  To view a ShakeMap, click the open box to the left of the name.  For example, to see the Tacoma M7.1 ShakeMap:

 ShakeMap name

5.  Click on the ShakeMap name in blue to get to the display features.

display featuresShakeMap

6. You will probably only want to display the ShakeMap Intensity, so click off the additional features.

display featuresShakeMap

7.  You will then want to adjust the transparency to see features beneath the ShakeMap. Click on the arrowhead next to the ShakeMap name.


8. You may then want to change your base map to see features like roads.  Click on the Basemap icon in the menu bar just beneath the title.


9. Finally you will want to navigate the map:

To pan and zoom, use your mouse and scroll wheel, the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the zoom slider on the left side of your map. To zoom in, you can also hold down the SHIFT key and drag a box on the map. Click the arrow in the top-right corner to open an overview map. You can also navigate the map to a predefined extent through bookmarks.

Use the Find locator to find locations such as place-names, addresses, intersections, cities, points of interest, monuments, and geographic entities. Your map is automatically zoomed to the closest match from your search, and a callout marker is added to your map. You can remove this by clicking the X in the upper right of the marker.