Making a Single PDF from Latex

The AGU electronic submission page has known problems with processing certain types of EPS files produced by IslandDraw and IDL, as well as with advanced programming in latex.

If you have had such problems and have been unable to get appropriate help please do not hestitate to contact me.

In the meantime, try submitting a single PDF file. To do this

change the documentstyle to


or to your favorite documentstyle,but make sure you include the epsf option then after the figure captions add




where figure1.eps is the actual name of the file containing the figure and repeat for as many figures you have.

The run latex to produce a single ps file and then run

ps2pdf filename.pdf

to get a single pdf file. ps2pdf is a filter available for Unix based systems - asked your system adminstrator if you don't have it. If unavailable then please contact me and we will see what we can arrange.

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GRL Space Physics and Aeronomy / Editor - R. M. Winglee /