Sedimentation Images from Lampon, East Java

All of these images were taken between 4 and 6 p.m. on April 25, 1995 by Dr. Bruce Jaffe of the USGS.

Tsunami deposition on tidal flat on east bank of Bengawan Silugangga stream, Lampon, Java. Deposit is mostly sand. View looking south at west end of pre-tsunami village.

Trench in tsunami deposits on tidal flat shown in the image above. Pen is pointing to base of uppermost layer deposited by the tsunami in Lampon, Java.

Trench in tsunami deposits on tidal flat shown in the image at the top of this page, Lampon, Java.

Tsunami deposition on beach and tidal flat. Deposit is mostly sand. View looking south at west end of pre-tsunami village, Lampon, Java.

Tsunami deposition on tidal flat at Lampon, Java. View looking north at west end of pre-tsunami village.

Tsunami deposit on tidal flat and beach at Lampon, Java. View looking west near west end of pre-tsunami village.

Cobbles deposited on beach berm at Lampon, Java. View looking east near west end of pre-tsunami village.

Sand, pebbles and cobbles deposited on field by tsunami, Lampon, Java.

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