General-interest Images from Pancer, East Java

All of these images were taken between 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 21, 1994 by Benjamin Cook.

View to the west taken from the east end of Pancer. Note the numerous bare foundations left from homes razed to the ground by the tsunami. Clean-up efforts were already underway at the time this picture was taken, hence much of the tsunami-generated debris has been removed.

View to the southeast looking back across the east end of Pancer.

Many of the larger trees fronting the beach at Pancer were able to survive the tsunami attack. View to the northwest, looking inland, about 50 m from the beach shown in the next picture. The village of Pancer can be seen in the background.

The beach at Pancer. View looking west from the east end of the village. The tsunami toppled smaller trees and exposed tree roots along the edge of the beach.

Many interviews were conducted with coastal residents to acquire descriptive information about the tsunami and the accompanying earthquake. Here, Dr. Imamura, in the white hat at the center of the picture, queries one of the village elders, shown on the left with the black cap.

This young boy, on the right, is being interviewed by Subandono Diposaptono. The boy escaped the tsunami by climbing a coconut tree. His younger brother was less fortunate and perished during the tsunami attack.

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