Sedimentation Images from Pancer, East Java

All of these images were taken between 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 21, 1994 by Benjamin Cook.

Severe tsunami-induced erosion occurred along the beach at Pancer. Villagers claimed that prior to the tsunami the beach sloped continuously up to the forested plateau seen here on the left.

A close-up of the scarp caused by tsunami-induced erosion. M. Jumadi's hand is held at the 1.2 meter mark on the surveying rod

View inland, looking southeast, from the beach. The tsunami-induced scarp is evident along the shoreline. Note the remains of a shrimp farm's pump station in the center of the picture.

Tsunami-induced scouring along the sides of the pump station seen in the previous picture. Subandono Diposaptono holds a pencil to the concrete wall at the pre-tsunami ground level, approximately one meter above the post-tsunami level. The wall shown here, oriented perpendicular to the shoreline, is on the east side of the pump station.

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