SZO Seminar Notes – April 15,
2015: Possibilities for
offshore geodesy
Discussion leaders: Emily Roland, David Schmidt
Papers: Ito,
Y., T. Tsuji, Y. Osada, M. Kido, D. Inazu, Y. Hayashi, H.
Tsushima, R. Hino, and H. Fujimoto (2011), Frontal wedge
deformation near the source region of the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki
earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, doi:10.1029/2011GL048355.
Gagnon, K., C.D.
Chadwell and E. Norabuena (2005), Measuring the onset of locking
in the Peru-Chile trench with GPS and acoustic measurements,
Nature, 434, 205-208.
The discussion was framed around basic
questions related to earthquakes and plate boundary processes that
offshore geodesy would be helpful to answer.
Much of the discussion centered around
Cascadia, where most of of the locked zone is offshore.
David Schmidt noted that even basic characteristics like the
convergence rates, which have to vary along strike, are not known
very precisely. Brian Atwater commented that the locking model is
much more uniform along the coast than one might infer from 1700
co-seismic and post-seismic land-level changes along the
coast. Paul Johnson mentioned that a complete
trench-perpendicular profile of heat flow should be available soon
(latitude of Gray's Harbor), as his group measured one last year
and are finalizing the data analysis.
The two papers discussed illustrated several approaches to
seafloor geodesy.
We also briefly brainstormed other possible approaches to making
geodetic measurements on the seafloor, particularly using
bathymetric measurements of differential uplift. This
currently is being done over axial seamounts. Standard ship
surveys have resolution of meters, so deformations need to be very
large. Surveying done with AUVs can achieve cm resolution,
but only over small areas and without being tied to any absolute
reference. The need to correct for
the water column and know ship lines precisely makes it very
difficult to do use legacy surveys. Other methods noted
were seafloor ‘InSar’ of sorts, which involves some sort
of multibeam imaging from a ship and correction for internal waves in the water
column and thus, is not trivial. Burial of fiber optic
cables used as strainmeters also is being considered, but also is
not at all trivial.