Related WWW Sites
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them to us.
Tsunami Data Resources
- NGDC Tsunami Database
- The National Geophysical Data Center's comprehensive collection of visual
and quantitative data for recent and historical tsunamis.
- Tsunami Field Survey Photographs
- An archive of digital images, maintained by Dr. Costas Synolakis of the
University of Southern California, acquired during recent tsunami field surveys.
- Atlas
of Canada
- Good information in FRENCH
and in ENGLISH.
on tsunamis that have occured in Canada. This online Atlas offers a collection
of maps and related information about Canada.
- The following tsunami sites are en espanol
- Tsunamis
- Centro International
de Informacion de Tsunamis
- A spanish version of the International Tsunami Information Center.
Tsunami Hazard Mitigation and Emergency Management Resources
- British
Columbia Tsunami Warning and Alerting
- British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program's British Columbia Tsunami
Warning Plan. General tsunami information, including an explanation of
the Tsunami Warning System, is presented along with more province-specific
information, such as the tsunami threat to British Columbia.
- FEMA: Fact
Sheet - Tsunamis
- Tsunami hazard prevention and mitigation information provided
by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- United
States Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
- Details about the United States' National Program for Tsunami
Hazard Mitigation
- PMEL Tsunami
Hazard Mitigation Plan
- An on-line copy of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's
proposed plan to reduce the risk posed by tsunamis to U.S. coastal
communities, Tsunami Hazard Mitigation: A Report to the Senate
Appropriations Committee.
- UH
Meteorology Tsunami Messages
- Tsunami warning status messages posted by tsunami warning
centers throughout the Pacific, maintained by the Department
of Meteorology at the University of Hawaii.
- Tsunami
- Warning signs, precaution measures, emergency telephone numbers
(Hawaii), evacuation zone maps; all pertaining to Hawaii. Part
of the Honolulu Emergency Services Web page. Maintained by the
Oahu Civil Defense Agency.
Miscellaneous WWW Tsunami-related Resources
- Killer Waves
- Dr. Bob's Interesting Science Stuff: What are killer waves and how do they
form? Answers to these and other important questions. Easy to understand and
very interesting. Very kid oriented. Maintained by Dr. Bob Jenkin.
- The Pacific Tsunami Museum
- A Museum devoted to education for the people of Hawaii and the Pacific Region
and the preservation of the social and cultural history of Hawaii.It is there
intent that the museum serves as a living memorial to those who lost their
lives in past tsunami events.
- Locally Generated Tsunamis
in Hawaii
- Background information about tsunamis and a description of the efoort to
estimate the inundationhazard inHawaii from locally generated tsunamis.
- Tsunamis
from Asteroid Impacts
- Estimation of the risks due to tsunamis generated by asteroid impacts with
Earthquake Resources
- National Earthquake
Information Center's Home Page
- A superb source of current and historical earthquake data,
including seismicity maps like the one used for this site's world image maps.
- Surfing
the InterNet for Earthquake Data
- A comprehensive index of earthquake-related WWW sites.
- Seismological
- A descriptive list of earthquakes with tsunami studies. A
few really nice computer simulated pictures of some really scary
tsunamis. Maintained by the Department of Geological Sciences
at the University of Michigan.
- Cascades
Volcano Observatory
- Tsunamis are discussed as they pertain to earthquakes. Maintained
by USGS and Cascades Volcano Observatory.
- Local
Tsunamis in the Pacific Northwest
- USGS provided information about local tsunamis in the Pacific
Northwest caused by the Cascadia subduction zone.
Hazard Management Resources
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Emergency Management Agency's home page, with links to a variety
of hazard mitigation information.