Tsunami Research
More comprehensive descriptions of research efforts that are
ongoing at institutions throughout the world will hopefully be
made available in the near future. The following sites contain
a variety of tsunami-related information.
Ongoing Tsunami Research
- PMEL Tsunami Project
An overview of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's tsunami-related
research projects.
- Oregon State
Tsunami Wave Basin
As part of George E. Brown Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation(NEES)
program, the Tsunami Basin is designed as a shared-use facility for next generation
remote tsunami research
USC Tsunami Research
A University of Southern California site dedicated to the research of
Research at CHL
An overview of ongoing tsunami research at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Service
This site is about ongoing COP(Coastal Ocean Program's) projects, including
tsunamis. Uplinks to other ongoing projects by other and sponsoring organizations
as well. Maintained by NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office, NCOP.