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Upcoming Geo Trips

Meeting Notes

Tuesday, Oct. 21st, 2008

Oct. 21st 2008 

Tomorrow (Oct. 22nd) AEG meeting in Bellevue - free for student 5:30  Red Lion  6:30 (free dinner for students)

Forrest Club Halloween Party  
    2 kegs Rainier in forest club in Anderson hall 
    Oct. 31st, 2008 - 7 pm 
    - Costume contests  Bring snacks/ 
hors d'oeuvres

ESS Majors Pizza Party   
    Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008 5PM  JHN Foyer

ESS Holiday Party 
    Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 2008 3:30pm  JHN 170
        w/ auction

Washington State Department of Transportation
    - NOV 17th, 2008 -  3:30PM     JHN RM 111  


    Saturday, Nov 1st 
    Saturday, Nov. 8th

        Hurricane Ridge, Mt. St. Helens mountain biking,                 chukanut
        Kathy Truse – Tacoma Outcrops and see geology in             action

Spring Break 
– Nevada meeting up with the Space Science Group
to lauch a rocket at Black Rock

Monday Karaoke Nights at the Little Red Hen
    Greenlake  ~9pm

Next Club Meeting Nov. 20th, after ess pizza party

Next Geo Movie “The Core”  Time and Date T.B.A.

Field Trips: