Consistency analysis of lidar survey data


Ralph A. Haugerud
U.S. Geological Survey
Seattle, WA

Extensive swath overlap in most lidar (also known as airborne laser swath mapping, or ALSM) surveys makes it possible to generate robust estimates of the internal reproducibility of a lidar survey--that is, how consistent it is. In the course of such consistency analysis it is convenient to also measure how complete a survey is. Such measures of reproducibility and completeness are powerful, inexpensive tools for evaluating the quality of lidar data and should underlie many of the technical specifications in contracts for the collection of lidar survey data.

This document explores the rationales and approximations that underlie consistency analysis and explains the format in which the CONSISTENCY code (Haugerud, in preparation) reports the results of such analyses. CONSISTENCY builds on 7 years experience contracting for and evaluating lidar survey data collected by several vendors in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere, primarily with the Puget Sound Lidar Consortium (PSLC) (e.g., Haugerud and others, 2003).

Table of Contents

An error model for lidar DEMs
A user's model of lidar measurement errors

Reading the consistency report
Graphic index to analyzed tiles
Estimates of global accuracy and completeness
Tile summary
Potential problems
Tiles with less than XX% double coverage
Tiles with fewer than XX pulse/m2
Tiles with more than XX blunders per million pulses
Tiles with duplicate returns
Individual tile pages
1st-return difference imagess
Ground-return swath difference images
Return-density and density-ratio images
Check the legends
Difference-slope-curvature graphs
Text summary pages  (*-l.txt)

Assumptions and simplifications behind the analysis
Tiled data
Pulse times available
Comparing swaths
Forest canopy is pathologic
Choosing cell sizes
No-data masks

What is missing?
Voids must be found by inspection
Accuracy of return classification is unquantified
Little leverage on range calibration
Careful survey design can make long-period errors invisible
Spatial correlation of error is not quantified 
Users' tolerances for error at different wavelengths have not been explored


An error model for lidar DEMs

Lidar DEMs (digital elevation models) are made by a three step process.
  1. Measure, with a lidar survey, the positions of points in the target region
  2. Classify some measured points as ground
  3. Interpolate classified ground points to a continuous bare-earth model
We can thus approximate the error of a lidar DEM as

( measurement_error2 + classification_error2 + interpolation_error2 ) 1/2

This error equation is only approximate as measurement, classification, and interpolation steps are not entirely independent. Large measurement errors, if they have little spatial correlation, increase the likelihood of  classification errors. Classification errors can be reduced by being more conservative in identifying points as ground ("if in doubt, throw it out"), but at the cost of increasing interpolation error.

Several important points follow from this simple analysis.
If we compare 1st-return surfaces from overlapping swaths of lidar data and minimize interpolation error by restricting the analysis to areas with little or no curvature, we readily quantify much of the measurement error in a lidar survey. If we compare surfaces interpolated from classified ground points from overlapping swaths, we quantify the sum of classification error, interpolation error, and much (not all) of the measurement error, but we overestimate interpolation error because each single-swath surface is built from sparser ground points than the aggregate (multi-swath) survey and thus has greater interpolation error.

A user's model of lidar measurement errors

not yet written


not yet written

Reading the CONSISTENCY report

CONSISTENCY generates a linked set of HTML pages (text and images) that quantitatively describe a lidar data set, facilitate visual evaluation of certain unquantifiable aspects, and facilitate exploration of the nature and causes of measurement and DEM errors. It is designed as a tool for routine quality assessment and as means for purchaser and vendor to communicate about data quality issues. This section describes and explains the elements of a CONSISTENCY report.

Graphic index to analyzed tiles

Estimages of global accuracy and completeness

Exclusion of tiles  Accuracy and completeness estimates (below) may be severely compromised by large areas of open water that may not produce lidar returns unless at nadir (specular reflection sends all laser light somewhere other than the sensor) and that may change elevation between successive swaths because of time-varying river discharge, the tide, winds, or drying of fields. For this reason, the analyst may choose to exclude some tiles from the calculation of all-survey averages. Similarly, a tile of data may be excluded if it captures large changes between swaths due to construction or vehicle movement.

P1 & P2  P1 and P2 are best estimates of the accuracy of location of individual lidar return points. P1 is an estimate of the root mean square (RMS) Z reproducibility of repeated point measurements. P2 is an estimate of the root mean square XY reproducibility of repeated measurements. If a surface is interpolated from these returns with an interpolator that honors all return points, P1 is an estimate of RMS Z measurement error of this surface on flat ground and P2 describes how likely the Z measurement error of this surface is to increase as local slope increases.

P1 and P2 are calculated as:
The values of P1 and P2 are linked to graphs of difference versus slope, difference versus curvature, and curvature versus slope.

1st-return surface RMS Z reproducibility  One can calculate the global reproducibilty of lidar survey measurements as the RMS difference between interpolated 1st-return surfaces for overlapping swaths, with no compensation or masking to exclude the effects of local slope. The calculated accuracy is that of a surface where XY error independent of Z error has no meaning, as any XY error is translated into Z error.  For a constant measurement accuracy, RMS Z reproducibility values are greater in areas with greater average slopes.

For this calculation, CONSISTENCY minimizes interpolation errors due large local curvatures by (1) identifying raster cells where local curvature exceeds a test value, (2) buffering out a predetermined number of cells from large-curvature cells, and (3) excluding large-curvature cells and the buffered region from calculation of RMS differences. This exclusion is pictured in the 1st-return swath difference images, where unsaturated colors mark the excluded areas and saturated colors mark the areas for which differences are averaged. Where more than two swaths overlap, multiple differences can be calculated, but only one, the difference between the oldest and youngest swath, is used for calculation of the per-tile 1st-return reproducibility.

Interpolation error is further minimized (and calculation of data set completeness facilitated) by aggressive masking of NODATA areas. For single-swath surface rasters, any cells that are more than a predefined distance (typically 1.5 - 2 times the nominal ground spacing of laser pulses) are tagged as NODATA.

RMS reproducibility is calculated for each tile, as is the 95th percentile confidence limit (that is, the value which is exceeded by only 5% of the observed differences. For a normal distribution, the 95th percentile confidence limit is approximately 1.96 * RMS difference. Observed differences within most lidar data sets conform to this relationship. A few don't, indicating that for these data sets the error distribution is not Gaussian.

Per-tile values of RMS and 95th percentile differences are then averaged across the data set on both a per-tile basis and on an area-weighted basis (not all tiles cover the same area).

Ground-model RMS Z reproducibility  The reproducibility of the ground DEM, including measurement error, classification error, and interpolation error, can be estimated with a modification of the 1st-return surface RMS Z reproducibility calculation. Individual swath surfaces are interpolated from returns classified as ground; masking for internal NODATA areas is lax, because we are interested in the accuracy of the surface even where it is ill-defined because of sparse ground returns; and there is no masking of areas with large local curvatures.

The result is a well-constrained estimate of the reproducibility of the ground-model DEM--the error of the survey as experienced by the DEM user--except that it is calculated from DEMs constructed from significantly fewer (typically 1/2, depending on the extent of swath overlap) data points per unit area than the whole-survey DEM, and thus overestimates interpolation error and the total error of the ground-model (bare-earth) DEM.

{insert image of ditch}

Fraction double coverage   From the merged single-swath 1st-return surfaces and the merged 1st-return diffference surfaces the fraction of each tile that has double (or greater) coverage is easily calculated. These are then averaged on a per-tile basis and on an area-weighted basis.

Note that extensive open water, or other non-scattering surfaces such as wet composition roofing and wet asphalt, will produce NODATA areas that are acceptable, and if tiles with significant amounts of such surfaces are included in this average it will be too low. See Exclusion of tiles (above).

Pulses per square meter  For each tile, the number of 1st returns (a proxy for the number of pulses) is divided by the area of the merged single-swath 1st-return surfaces. These values are then averaged on a per-tile and an area-weighted basis, possibly with the exclusion of certain tiles.

Tile summary

All tiles are listed, in order of decreasing 1st-return surface RMS Z reproducibility, with per-tile values of 1st-return surface RMS Z reproducibility, 1st-return surface 95 percentile Z reproducibility, pulses per square meter, and P1 & P2. List entries have links to individual tile pages and to individual tile DCS graphs

Potential problems

CONSISTENCY flags tiles that may not meet data acceptance criteria (low fraction double coverage, low pulse density, presence of duplicate values). Tiles with blunders are listed, because the presence of large number of blunders may signify other problems, as are tiles with duplicate returns.  Test values are constants set in the CONSISTENCY code and may be changed to match different data specifications.

I have not found it possible to fully automate recognition of data that does not meet contract specifications: There are many cases where acceptible data flunks these tests. A human analyst should inspect further analyses of each potential problem tile before a data set is flagged for non-compliance.

Tiles with less than XX% double coverage

To reduce the risk of voids because of aircraft roll, small clouds, instrument malfunction, and swath narrowing over high areas; to achieve desired pulse density; to ensure multiple look angles and thus greater assurance of reaching the ground surface beneath the forest canopy, and to provide swath overlap necessary for evaluation of data quality, our data acquisition contracts specify minimum acceptable fraction of double coverage for a survey as a whole and for samples of defined sizes and shapes. Lack of off-nadir returns because of specular reflection by open water may result in acceptable voids from off-nadir look angles that lead to low fraction double coverage. Very small tiles may happen to mostly (or entirely) sample single-coverage areas. In either case, tiles of acceptable data may be flagged for low fraction double coverage. 

Tiles with fewer than XX pulse/m2

Pulse density is a basic measure of the quantity of data provided. Pulse density correlates closely with overall survey quality. For these reasons our data acquisition contracts specify an minimum aggregate pulse density and a minimum acceptable pulse density for sample areas of defined sizes and shapes, barring the presence of reflecting or strongly-absorbing targets.  Lack of off-nadir returns because of specular reflection from open water, or nearly-complete absorption of the laser beam by dark targets such as wet asphalt pavement and wet composition roofing, may result in areas of low pulse density and the flagging of tiles that are acceptible.

Tiles with more than XX blunders per million pulses

Most discrete-return lidar data sets contain a small fraction (typically 1 in 10,000 or fewer) of returns that do not obviously correspond to any part of the target region. Such blunders may be attributed to birds (too-high points) and multiple reflections or detector echoes (too-low points). A large fraction of blunders may signify problems with the lidar instrument.

In some cases miscalibration (and) or GPS error results in an entire swath, or part of a swath, that is significantly higher than an overlapping swath and the higher returns are classified as blunders whereas the lower returns are classified as ground returns. Such creative use of the blunder classification will be readily apparent as a high fraction of blunders in a tile.

Absent a better understanding of the physical processes that cause too-high and too-low points, and absent a well-understood standard for return classification, we have not written specifications for the maximum acceptable fraction of blunders.  Some vendors routinely delete all blunders from a data set before writing the all-return point files.

Tiles with duplicate returns

Duplicate returns within a tile inflate the pulse density and are a sign of careless processing. Duplication of returns in adjoining tiles, while convenient for certain processing steps, increases the disk space needed to store data. PSLC specifies that values are not to be duplicated within a tile or between tiles. CONSISTENCY checks for duplicate values within each analyzed tile.

Individual tile pages

example individual tile page CONSISTENCY writes a single HTML page for each analysed tile. This page includes medium-scale versions of the 1st-return and ground-return swath difference images, thumbnails of 1st-return density, ground-return density, and density-ratio images, summary values for accuracy and completeness, and links to a difference-curvature-slope analysis and a text file that summarizes the CONSISTENCY analysis. Selected elements of this page are discussed here.

1st-return swath difference image

1st-return swath difference image
click for larger image
At left is an example of a 1st-return swath difference image. White areas have no data. Gray areas (e.g. irregular region at mid- to upper-left) have data from only a single swath. Colored areas (most of the image) have data from overlapping swaths; coloring is by the difference between swaths, following the legend at the right of the image.

Strongly colored (saturated) regions are not strongly curved and are included in the calculation of RMS Z swath reproducibility; less strongly colored (unsaturated) regions, such as the forested area in the lower left quadrant of the image, are strongly curved, thus prone to large interpolation errors, and are not included in the calculation of swath reproducibility.

The patterns of differences shown in images like this can disclose much about how the lidar instrument works and the sources of error. In particular, this image shows both significant XY displacement and swath-to-swath tilt, demonstrating that the major source of error is poor measurement of the orientation of the lidar instrument. 

These data were acquired with an instrument that used a slowly-rotating pyramidal mirror to scan the lidar beam across the target region. This results in parallel scans of evenly-spaced points and no pointing error associated with backlash during reversals of an oscillating mirror. However, it appears that not all faces of the pyramid have the same orientation with respect to the rotational axis, causing very minor (cm-level) scan-to-scan errors. Because of the logarithmic color scale, these are only visible where the swath-to-swath difference is small.

Some of the largest differences shown in this image are at the upper left of the image, where a floating marina has risen with the tide between acquisition of overlapping swaths.

Ground return swath difference image

ground-return swath difference image
click for larger image

1st-return swath difference
image of same area
click for larger image
difference legend

The images above illustrate some of the key features of ground-return swath difference images. High-curvature areas are not masked. NODATA masking is less aggressive than for 1st-return swath difference images. Larger differences in forested areas are common because of a combination of poor canopy penetration (= larger interpolation errors) and misclassification of vegetation returns as ground.

Most of the large differences along ravines in the upper part of the image result from one swath containing ground points at the bottom of the ravine whereas the overlapping swath lacks ravine-bottom ground points. The observed accuracy (reproducibility) of the single-swath DEMs is evidently less than that of the final bare-earth DEM interpolated from aggregated ground points from all swaths. The calculated error of the ground model DEM is thus too large because of overestimated interpolation error. This is counter-balanced, to an unknown extent, by the failure of the swath-difference calculation to capture certain long-period and constant errors.

Return-density and density-ratio images

1st-return point density
ground-return point density
density legend ratio of 1st to ground returns
density-ratio legend click for
CONSISTENCY counts the numbers of 1st returns and ground returns in large (typically 30 meter or 100 feet) square cells and maps the resulting point densities, as well as the ratio   # ground returns / # 1st returns.  The resulting images can provide insights into survey design, lidar instrument sensitivity, and post-processing procedures.

Return-density images are colored by return density, with the central value at a nominal return density of  2 / (pulse spacing)2. Density-ratio images are colored by ground-return / 1st-return ratio, with red = 0, blue-green (hue=150) = 0.5, and magenta (hue=300) = 1. 1st-return density and density ratio are shown on a shaded-relief image of the 1st-return surface. Ground-return density is shown on the bare-earth surface.

Check the legends

The critical value of abs(dZ) at which difference images jump from blues and greens to yellows and magentas is an adjustable parameter within CONSISTENCY. It may change from analysis to analysis. The point-density color legend will change as known or inferred survey design changes. Check the legends!

Difference-slope-curvature graphs

Calculation of P1 and P2 assumes well-mannered distributions of Z differences, slopes, and curvatures within the analyzed data set.  To facilitate visual exploration of these distributions, CONSISTENCY constructs a page of graphs of Z difference vs local slope, Z difference vs local curvature, and local curvature vs local slope for each analyzed tile, and one for the data set as a whole (except excluded tiles). These pages are largely self explanatory.

Differences are calculated from rasters derived by bilinear sampling of TINs constructed from 1st-return data points. Curvature and slope are calculated from individual swath surfaces using standard ArcInfo functions with 3x3 kernels. Single-swath curvatures and slopes are merged to a tile-wide surface; where swaths overlap and there are multiple calculated curvatures and slopes, the largest curvature or slope is retained.

Raster cell width is one-half the nominal point spacing. The analyzed data set includes multiple differences at a single cell where more than two swaths overlap. Reported N is 1/4 the number of sampled cells.

To minimize storage space, curvatures are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 and percent slope values are rounded to the nearest multiple of 2. Differences are rounded to the nearest cm (difference <= 1 m), the nearest decimeter (1 m < difference < 2 m), the nearest meter (2 m < difference < 10 m), or the nearest 5 m.

Prior to calculation of difference-local slope contours and best-fit lines, the data set is truncated. See P1 & P2, above.

Text summary pages  (*-l.txt)

For each analyzed tile, CONSISTENCY writes a text summary page that includes
This text summary page is linked to via details, in the upper right corner of each individual tile page.

Prerequisites, assumptions, and simplifications behind the analysis

Tiled data, pulse times available

Consistency analysis presumes that separate, overlapping swaths of 1st-return points can be identified. At the PSLC we have found it convenient to store individual point-return data in files of all returns for a given area (tile), with per-return attributes that include X,Y,Z, and GPS second, GPS week, return number (1, 2, 3, or 4), and point classification (ground, blunder, unclassified). The first step in consistency analysis is then to sort the tile on time, separate into swaths at gaps in the time sequence, and extract 1st returns and ground returns for each swath. 

Comparing swaths

Comparing swaths to observe measurement reproducibility requires that one observe, or predict, Z values for each swath at the same XY location. In general, returns in overlapping swaths will not be at coincident XY locations, so to compare one must predict Z values at given XY locations for one or both swaths. CONSISTENCY analysis solves this problem by (1) sampling both swaths at regularly spaced XY locations (conversion of each swath of point data to a TIN, then sampling the TIN to a lattice registered to [0,0] ), and (2) restricting the comparison to regions where interpolation error is likely to be minimal.

A single swath of lidar data includes returns in a regular X-Y pattern imposed by the scanning mechanism, with irregularities occasioned by local relief in the target region and gaps due to non-reflective targets and (for ground returns) shadowing by forest canopy.

quasi-regular point samples: the raster approximation (why curvature matters)

Forest canopy is pathologic

not yet written

Choosing cell sizes

not yet written

No-data masks

not yet written

What is missing?

not yet written

Voids must be found by inspection
Accuracy of return classification is unquantified
Little leverage on range calibration
Careful survey design can make long-period errors invisible
Spatial correlation of error is not quantified 
Users' tolerances for error at different wavelengths have not been explored


Jerry Harless and Diana Martinez (Puget Sound Regional Council), Phyllis Mann (Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management), Craig Weaver and Sam Johnson (U.S. Geological Survey), David Harding (NASA), and numerous partners from city, county, state, tribal and federal agencies and NGOs, have made the Puget Sound Lidar Consortium work. I thank them for their effort and the pleasure of working with them.

David Harding, Matthew Boyd (Watershed Sciences), Bob McGaughey and Steve Reutebuch (US Forest Service), Bill Carter (University of Florida) and Damir Latypov (TerraPoint) provided discussion and encouragement regarding the technical content of this document.