General-interest Images from Rajekwesi, East Java

All of these images were taken between 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on June 21, 1994 by Benjamin Cook.

Access to many of the coastal villages in East Java is limited. This picture shows the road leading into Rajekwesi. Note the person pushing the bicycle loaded with produce.

Relief worker at a shelter set up in Rajekwesi. Over 30 residents of Rajekwesi were killed by the tsunami.

These boys, their homes lost to the tsunami, used this relief shelter for temporary housing.

The view to sea from a location about 400 m from the beach, near the temporary shelters shown in the previous two pictures. Little tsunami damage was evident from this vantage point.

The view west across the devastated beach-front neighborhood of Rajekwesi. This picture was taken approximately 100 m from the beach. With the exception of several severely-damaged homes, house foundations and sidewalks were all that remained after the tsunami attack.

The view inland (north) across the rice paddy, which was inundated by the tsunami, that separated the beach-front neighborhood from the inland neighborhood where the relief shelters were located. Note the undamaged coconut trees in the right-hand corner of the picture.

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