A focus on the other 99.9% of Earth
J. Michael Brown
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1310
Tel: 206 616 6058
Fax: 206 543 0489
e-mail: brown@ess.washington.edu
B.S. (Physics- With Distinction) University of Washington, Seattle, 1975
M.S. (Geophysics) University of Washington, Seattle, 1978
Ph.D. (Geophysics) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1980
1980-1995 Visiting Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1980-1984 Assistant Professor of Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station
1984-1987 Assistant Professor, Geophysics Program, University of Washington
1987-1992 Associate Professor, Geophysics Program, University of Washington
1993-2001 Professor, Geophysics Program, Adjunct Professor, Geological Sciences
1997-2001 Professor and Chair, Geophysics Program University of Washington
2001-2005 Professor and Chair, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
2005- present Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, 2000
Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America 2002
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2005
Néel Medalist, European Geophysical Society, 2002: in recognition of outstanding achievements in the fertilization of the Earth Sciences by the transfer and application of fundamental theory and/or experimental techniques of solid-state physics
Selected Professional Service:
Chair and Founder, 1998-2000 American Geophysical Union: Board of Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Science Departments
Advisory Committee, 2000–2003 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Alamos
Secretary- SEDI (International Science Organization) 1999-2001
Vice-Chair Executive Committee, COMPRES (NSF-funded consortium) 2005-2008
Organizing Committee for HPMPS7 held in Mitsushima Japan May 8-12, 2007
Technical Committee for AIRAPT-24 & APS-SCCM, Seattle, USA, July 2013
Chair, Vashon Groundwater Committee (King County Council) 2016-2019
University Service
Council Member, Honors Program 1986-1999
Board Member and Chair, University Program on the Environment 1999-2003
Chair, Geophysics Program 1997-2001
Chair, Department of Earth and Space Sciences 2001 – 2005
Chair, Johnson Construction Committee 2002-2006
Committee Member, Integrated Science Degree planning 2005-2006
Director, Integrated Science Degree Program 2006-2010
College Council Member, College of the Environment 2012-2013
Graduate School Council Member 2014-2017
Senate Committee on Planning and Budget 2017 - 2020
Current Teaching
Earth Materials (Mineralogy and Petrology)
Global Tectonics
J Michael Brown