B.A., Physics, Oxford University, UK, 1992
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
Areas of Interest:
Meteorology and Climate Dynamics, Surface Processes, Glaciology, Paleoclimate, Mountain-belt dynamics.
Adjunct professor, Atmospheric Sciences
Adjunct professor, Quaternary Research Center
Curriculum Vitae: (html) (sensible pdf) (full)
Publications: (list and pdfs)
Current Research:
NSF GRF ppt presentation for ESS594: (ppt)
Flowline glacier model (need both files) FlowlineGlacierModel.m glac_init_baker.mat
RoeBaker14, three-stage glacier model ThreeStageModel.m
Glacier flowline movies: glacier.mp4, Nigardsbreen.mp4.
Glacier attribution talk: GlacRetreat.pptx
Class Information:
ESS 418: Geoscience Communication: class website (restricted)
ESS 310: Mathematical methods in the Earth Sciences
2019_Course_syllabus.docx; class website (restricted)
ESS590: Natural variability of glaciers
ESS 414/514: Geophysics - fluids
ESS 314: Expedition to Planet Earth
ESS 201: Earth System and Climate
ESS 516: Geophysics - the atmosphere
ESS 590: Knowability and no ability in Climate/Earth Sciences:
Class web site
Final incoherent thoughts - David and Gerard
Full record of comments/contributions (Summary here)
ESS 590: Heinrich events Link to global map of proxies , Class web site
ESS519: Scientific writing
Alison Anders (ESS, PhD, 2005, Assoc. Prof., U. Illinois)!, Michael O’Neal (ESS, PhD, 2005, Assoc. Prof, U. Delaware)!, Drew Stolar (ESS, PhD, 2006, Ballard Power, Vancouver)!, Noah Finnegan (ESS, PhD, 2006, Assoc. Prof., UCSC)!, Summer Rupper (ESS, MSc, 2004; ESS, PhD, 2007, Assoc. Prof., U. Utah)*, Camille Li (ATM, PhD, 2007, Asst. Prof., U. Bergen)#, Kevin Rennert (ATM PhD 2007, Resources for the future)!, Kat Huybers (ESS, MSc 2007, PhD 2014, Visiting Prof., Pacific Lutheran U.)*, Jane Locke (ESS PhD 2008, Chevron) #, Jim Lutz (CFR PhD 2008, Asst Prof., Utah State)#, Robert Sheerer (ESS, MSc 2008)#, Eric Buer (ESS, MSc 2008, Consultant, Ridolfi Inc.)#, Jennifer Adams (CivE PhD 2007) #, Justin Minder (ATM PhD , 2010, Asst. Prof. Suny Albany)*, Kevin Wood (ESS PhD, 2010, scientist PMEL), Sandra Penny (ATM PhD 2013, Lecturer, Sage College)*, Michelle Koutnik (ESS PhD 2010, Asst.. Prof U. Wash.)#, Rachel Headley (ESS, PhD 2011, Asst. Prof. UWisc Parkside)!, Erin Burke (ESS MSc, 2012, Deschutes Public Library)*, Nichole Feldl (At. Sci. PhD 2013, Asst. Prof UC Santa Cruz)*, Angela Pendergrass (PhD 2013, postdoc NOAA)*, Kyle Armour (Physics, PhD 2012, Asst. Prof., UW)!, Brian Smoliak (At. Sci., PhD 2013, Climate Corporation) #, Nicholas Siler (At. Sci, PhD 2015, Asst Prof., Oregeon State)*, Leif Anderson (UColorado, PhD 2014, Postdoc, U Iceland)!, Nathan Steiger (At. Sci., PhD 2015, Postdoc Lamont Doherty)*, Bradley Markle (ESS PhD, 2017, postdoc UC Santa Barbara)!, Xiaojuan Li (At. Sci., PhD candidate)!, John Christian (ESS, PhD candidate)*, Tyler Cox (At. Sci, PhD candidate)
*formal advisor or co-advisor, !major research advisor, #committee member (with research input)
ESS Research Groups: Climate and Paleoclimate, Glaciology, Geomorphology, Quaternary Research,