In preparation:

Roe, G.H., 2009: What do glaciers tell us about climate change? (draft pdf)

Roe, G.H., and D.S. Battisti, 2009: Knowability and no ability in climate and earth sciences. In preparation.

Headey, R., G.H. Roe, and B. Hallet, 2009: Comparing observed and modeled veolcities in Seward throat: implications for erosion beneath fast-moving ice streams. In preparation.

Feldl, N, and G.H. Roe, 2009: The shape of daily precipitation in the American West as a function of ENSO. In preparation.


Roe, G.H., and M.B. Baker, 2009: Notes from a catastrophe - the descent into a snowball Earth. Submitted. (draft pdf)

Roe, G.H., and M.T. Brandon, 2009: Critical form and feedbacks in mountain belt dynamics: the role of rheology. Submitted. (draft pdf)

Dayem, K, D.S. Battisti, G.H. Roe, P. Molnar, 2009: Lesssons learned from the modern monsoon applied to the interpretation of paleoclimate records. Submitted (draft pdf)

Published/in press (peer-reviewed):

Penny, S.M., G.H. Roe, and D.S. Battisti, 2009: The source of the midwinter supression of the Pacific storm track. In press J. Climate. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and M.A. O'Neal, 2009: The response of glaciers to intrinsic climate variability: observations and models of late Holocene variations. J. Glac., 55, 839-854. (pdf)

Huybers, K., and G.H. Roe, 2009: Spatial patterns of glaciers in response to spatial patterns in regional climate. J. Climate., 22, 4606-4620. (pdf)

Baker, M.B., and G.H. Roe, 2009: The shape of things to come: why is climate change so predictable? J. Climate. 22, 4574-4589. (pdf)

Rupper, S.B., G.H. Roe, and A. Gillespie, 2009: Spatial patterns of glacier advance and retreat in Central Asia in the Holocene. Quaternary Research. (draft pdf)

Minder, J.U., G.H. Roe, 2009: Precipitation in mountainous terrain. To appear in the Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Edited by U.K. Haritashya, V. Singh, and P. Singh, Springer Press. (pdf)

 Minder, J.U., G.H. Roe, D.R. Montgomery, 2009: Spatial pattern of precipitation and landslide hazard, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2008WR007027 (pdf)

Roe, G.H., 2009: Feedbacks, timescales, and seeing red. Annual Reviews of Earth Plan. Sci., 37: 93-115. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., 2009: On the paleoclimate interpretation of Chinese loess. Quat. Res., in press. (pdf)

Rennert, K., G.H. Roe, C.M. Bitz, J. Putkonen, and D. Fischer, 2009: Rain-on-snow in the circumpolar Arctic: climatology and impacts. J. Climate, doi:10.1175/2008jcli2117.1. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., K.X. Whipple, and J.K. Fletcher, 2008: Feedbacks between climate, erosion, and tectonics in a critical wedge orogen. Amer. J. Sci.,
308, 815-842. (pdf)

Galewsky, J., and G.H. Roe, 2008: Climate over landscapes: The emerging links between geomorphology and the atmospheric sciences. White paper submitted to the National Research Council. (pdf)

Minder, J.U., D.R. Durran, G.H. Roe, and A.M. Anders, 2008: The climatology of small-scale orographic precipitation over the Olympic Mountains: patterns and processes. Quaterly J. Royal. Met. Soc., 134, 817-839. (pdf)

Rupper, S.B., and G.H. Roe, 2008: Glacier changes and regional climate - a mass and energy balance approach. J. Climate, 21, 5384-5401. (pdf)

Owen, L.A., G. Thackray, R.S. Anderson, J. Briner, D. Kaufman, G.H. Roe, W. Pfeffer, and C. Yi, 2008: Integrated research on mountain glaciers: Current status, priorities and future prospects. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.04.019.. (pdf)

Anders, A.M., and G.H. Roe, D.R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet, 2008: Influence of precipitation phase on the form of mountain ranges. Geology, 36, 479-482. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and M.B. Baker, 2007: Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable? Science, 318, 629-632. (pdf) (supplementary)

Stolar, D.R., G.H. Roe, and S.D. Willett, 2007: Controls on the patterns of topography and erosion rate in a critical orogen. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JF000713 (pdf)

Anders, A.M., G.H. Roe, D.R. Durran, and J.R. Minder, 2007: Small-scale spatial gradients in climatological precipitation on the Olympic Peninsula.  J. Hydrometeorology, 8, 1068-1081. (pdf)

Tomkin, J.T., and G.H. Roe, 2007: Climate and tectonic controls on glaciated critical-taper orogens. Earth. Plan. Sci. Lett., 262, 385–397. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., 2006: In defense of Milankovitch. Geophy. Res. Lett. 33, L24703, doi:10.1029/2006GL027817. (pdf) (auxiliary material)

Roe, G.H., D. Stolar, and S.D. Willett, 2006: The sensitivity of a critical wedge orogen to climatic and tectonic forcing. in: S.D. Willett, N. Hovius, M. Brandon, D.M. Fisher, (Eds), Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution
: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 227-239. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and M. Baker, 2006: Microphysical and geometrical controls on the pattern of orographic precipitation. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 861-880. (pdf)

Stolar, D., G.H. Roe, and S.D. Willett, 2006: Evolution of a critical orogen under various forcing scenarios: findings from a numerical sandbox. in: S.D. Willett, N. Hovius, M. Brandon, D.M. Fisher, (Eds), Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 240-250. (pdf)

Anders, A.M., G.H. Roe, B. Hallet, D.R. Montgomery, N. Finnegan, and J. Putkonen, 2006: Spatial patterns of precipitation and topography in the Himalaya. in: S.D. Willett, N. Hovius, M. Brandon, D.M. Fisher, (Eds), Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 39-53. (pdf)

Finnegan, N., G.H. Roe, D.R. Montgomery, B. Hallet, 2005: A scaling relationship for channel width in bedrock rivers. Geology, 33, 229-232. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., 2005: Orographic precipitation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 33: 645-671. (pdf)

Anders, A.M, G.H. Roe, and D.R. Durran, 2004: Conference notebook Orographic precipitation and the form of mountain ranges. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 85, 498-499. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and E. J. Steig, 2004: On the characterization of millennial-scale climate variability. J. Climate, 17, 1929-1944. (pdf)

Bitz, C.M., and G.H. Roe, 2004: A physical explanation for the high rate of sea-ice thinning in the Arctic Ocean.  J. Climate, 17, 3623-3632. (pdf)

Rupper, S., E.J. Steig, and G.H. Roe, 2004: On the relationship between snow accumulation at Mt. Logan, Yukon, and climate variability in the North Pacific. J. Climate. 17,4724-4739. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., D.R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet, 2003: Orographic climate feedbacks on the relief of mountain ranges. J. Geophys. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2001JB001521. (pdf)

Putkonen, J., and G.H. Roe, 2003: Rain-on-snow events, soil temperatures, and the sensitivity of ungulates to climate change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, doi: 10.1029/2002GL016326. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., 2002: Modeling orographic precipitation over ice sheets: an assessment over Greenland. J. Glaciology, 48, 70-80. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., D.R. Montgomery, and B. Hallet, 2002: Effects of orographic precipitation variations on the concavity of steady-state river profiles. Geology, 30,143-146. (pdf)

Risbey, J.S., P.J. Lamb, R.L. Miller, M.C. Morgan, and G.H. Roe, 2002: Elucidating the structure of regional climate scenarios by combining synoptic and dynamic guidance and GCM output. J. Climate, 15, 1036-1050. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and R.S. Lindzen, 2001: The mutual interaction between continental-scale ice sheets and atmospheric stationary waves. J. Climate, 14, 1450-1465. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and R.S. Lindzen, 2001: A one-dimensional model for the interaction between ice sheets and atmospheric stationary waves. Climate Dynamics, 17, 479-487. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and M.R. Allen, 1999: Competing explanations for the 100,000-yr ice age cycle. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2259-2262. (pdf)

Lindzen, R.S., and G.H. Roe, 1997: The effect of concentrated PV gradients on stationary waves: correction. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1815-1818. (pdf)

Roe, G.H., and R.S. Lindzen, 1996: Baroclinic adjustment in a two level model with barotropic shear. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 2749-2754. (pdf)